MSR Magmeter IC

Magnum IC is a magnetic flowmeter for measuring the flow of conductive liquids in pipes. The sensor creates a pulsating, alternating magnetic field on the inside of a pipe. The liquid in the pipe will move through this magnetic field and generate a signal current proportional to its velocity. This information is collected by the electrodes and then processed by the Magnum’s microprocessor to provide the user with the desired flow information.


  • Instrumento totalmente digital
  • La interfaz usada por el software está basada con la actualización 95/96 de Windows
  • Funciones internas del medidor de flujo son controladas por el la interface del Software Magio 3.0
  • Puede ser instalada en una tapa NTP de 2”
  • 12-24 VDC y salida 4-20mA